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  Function            ansi_call - create an ANSI escape sequence

  Syntax              char *ansi_call(int subfunction, int parm1, int
                                      parm2, char *ansistring);

  Prototype in        ansihk.h

  Remarks             ansi_call is a general function that will create an
                      ANSI escape sequence for the given subfunction:

                            1: gotoxy(parm1,parm2)
                            2: cursor_right
                            3: cursor_left
                            4: cursor_up
                            5: cursor_down
                            6: save_cursor_position
                            7: restore_cursor_position
                            8: cls()
                            9: clear_eol()
                           10: set_foreground(parm1)
                           11: set_background(parm1)
                           12: clear_attributes     (plain, normal)
                           13: bold
                           14: faint
                           15: italic
                           16: blink
                           17: fast_blink
                           18: inverse
                           19: invisible
                           20: set_mode(parm1)
                           21: reset_mode(parm1)
                           22: wherexy()

                           1: moves cursor to (parm1,parm2)
                         2-5: move cursor 1 space in direction indicated
                         6-7: save cursor position for future restoring
                           8: clear screen
                           9: clear to the end of current line
                       10-11: set colors for output
                 12-15,18-19: set attributes for output
                       16-17: control cursor blink rate
                       20-21: change mode (not same as DOS, see ansihk.h)
                          22: outputs the current cursor location

                      A value must be passed for parm1 and parm2, even if
                      they are not going to be used.

                      The escape sequence ansistring can be outputted
                      with a simple printf().

                      Remember, ANSI.SYS, FANSI-CONSOLE, or some similar
                      ANSI control sequence program must be active for
                      these codes to take effect.

  Return value        returns ansistring.

  Note                The color codes needed by ANSI functions are NOT
                      the same as the color codes used by DOS to set
                      attributes. Use the ANSI color #defines given in

  See also            ansiback(), ansifore()

See Also: ansiback() ansifore()
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